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Field Class Template Reference

#include <Field.h>

Inheritance diagram for Field::

GenericField List of all members.

Public Methods

 Field (const SCOREC_Util::SString &name, pMesh mesh, PIBuilder< DofType > *pBuild, MapBuilder *mBuild, int dimension, PolynomialField *pfield, int continuity=0)
 Field (const SCOREC_Util::SString &name, Field< DofType > *field, PolynomialField *pf=0)
virtual ~Field ()
InterpolationEdge<DofType>* createInterpolation (pEdge edge)
InterpolationFace<DofType>* createInterpolation (pFace face)
InterpolationRegion<DofType>* createInterpolation (pRegion region)
InterpolationEdge<DofType> getInterpolation (pEdge edge)
InterpolationFace<DofType> getInterpolation (pFace face)
InterpolationRegion<DofType> getInterpolation (pRegion region)
virtual int order () const
void setValue (const FieldValue &ival, int derivative)
DofType* dof () const
void add (Interpolation< DofType > *)
void visitAllInterpolations (InterpolationVisitor< DofType > *e)
void constrain ()
InterpolationEdge<DofType>* createInterpolation (pEdge edge, istream &in)
InterpolationFace<DofType>* createInterpolation (pFace face, istream &in)
InterpolationRegion<DofType>* createInterpolation (pRegion region, istream &in)

Protected Methods

virtual void write (ostream &out) const

Protected Attributes

PIBuilder<DofType>* thePIBuilder
MapBuilder* theMapBuilder
DofType> *> 

Detailed Description

template<class DofType> class Field

An interpolation of some type of value over a mesh. The interpolations for a given field must all be made up from mappings from a single family and shape functions from a single family. Be careful: Fields are identified by the first four letters of the field name If there is another field that has the identical first 4 letters in the field name it will be destroyed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Mon Jul 23 13:14:56 2001 for SCOREC_UnitSystem by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001