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LinearContQuadSF Class Template Reference

#include <LinearContQuadSF.h>

Inheritance diagram for LinearContQuadSF::

ShapeFunction2d GenericShapeFunction ShapeFunction List of all members.

Public Types

typedef DofType::ValueType VTypeLCT
typedef LinearContQuadSF<DofType>::VTypeLCT ValTypeLCT
typedef DofType::DerivType DTypeLCT
typedef LinearContQuadSF<DofType>::DTypeLCT DerTypeLCT

Public Methods

 LinearContQuadSF (pFace face, Field< DofType > *field, int setup)
ValTypeLCT eval (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace, const Field< DofType > &field, int timeDer=0) const
DerTypeLCT eval1Deriv (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field, int timeDer=0) const
DerTypeLCT eval2Deriv (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field, int timeDer=0) const
virtual DMatrix<DofType> firstDeriv (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field) const
virtual DMatrix<DofType> zeroDeriv (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field) const
virtual DMatrix<DofType> secondDeriv (const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 &pt, pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field) const
void getVandermonde (pFace me, const Field< DofType > &field, SCOREC_Util::SMatrix **A, IntpPnt2d **pt)
void setDofVals (pFace face, const Field< DofType > &field, const SCOREC_Util::SVector< SCOREC_Util::SVectorDouble > &a, int derivative, SCOREC_Util::Range< int > comps)
virtual int order (pEntity, const Field< DofType > &) const
virtual int type ()

Protected Methods

virtual SCOREC_Util::SSList<
sfdofs (pEntity, const Field< DofType > &field) const
virtual SCOREC_Util::SSList<
sfdofgs (pEntity, const Field< DofType > &field) const

Detailed Description

template<class DofType> class LinearContQuadSF

Linear shape function over a 4noded mesh face.

Member Function Documentation

template<class DofType>
DMatrix< DofType > LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::firstDeriv ( const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 & pt,
pFace face,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [virtual]

Evaluate first derivative with dofs as unknowns at location pt.

Reimplemented from ShapeFunction2d.

template<class DofType>
void LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::getVandermonde ( pFace me,
const Field< DofType > & field,
SCOREC_Util::SMatrix ** A,
IntpPnt2d ** pt ) [virtual]

Get vandermonde matrix for interpolation.

Reimplemented from ShapeFunction2d.

template<class DofType>
int LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::order ( pEntity entity,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [virtual]

Get equivalent polynomial order of shape function.

Reimplemented from GenericShapeFunction.

template<class DofType>
DMatrix< DofType > LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::secondDeriv ( const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 & pt,
pFace face,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [virtual]

Evaluate seond derivative with dofs as unknowns at location pt.

Reimplemented from ShapeFunction2d.

template<class DofType>
SCOREC_Util::SSList< DofType *> LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::sfdofgs ( pEntity me,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [protected, virtual]

Get list of pointers to DofGroups for all dofs influenced by this shape function.

Reimplemented from GenericShapeFunction.

template<class DofType>
SCOREC_Util::SSList< DofRef > LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::sfdofs ( pEntity me,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [protected, virtual]

Get list of DofRefs for all the dofs influenced by this shape function.

Reimplemented from GenericShapeFunction.

template<class DofType>
int LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::type ( ) [virtual]

Return type identifier.

Reimplemented from GenericShapeFunction.

template<class DofType>
DMatrix< DofType > LinearContQuadSF< DofType >::zeroDeriv ( const SCOREC_Util::SPoint2 & pt,
pFace face,
const Field< DofType > & field ) const [virtual]

Evaluate with dofs as unknowns at location pt.

Reimplemented from ShapeFunction2d.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Mon Jul 23 13:15:02 2001 for SCOREC_UnitSystem by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001