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SCOREC Publications

Trellis related papers
Papers in international journals:

Beall, M.W.; Shephard, M.S.:
An object oriented framework for reliable numerical simulations. Eng. Comp. (1999) 15, 61 - 72. (pdf file)

Klaas, O., Maniatty, A., Shephard, M.S.:
A stabilized mixed finite element method for finite elasticity. Formulation for linear displacement and pressure interpolation.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 180 (1999) 65 - 79 (pdf file)

Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Automatic Generation of Octree based Three Dimensional Discretizations for Partition of Unity Methods.
Computational Mechanics 25 (2000) 2/3, 296 - 304

Klaas, O.; Shephard, M.S.:
Embedding Reliable Numerical Analysis Capabilities into an Enterprise Wide Information System.
Engineering with Computers 17 (2000) 2, 151 - 161. (pdf file)

Maniatty, A.M., Liu, Y., Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Stabilized Finite Element Method for Viscoplastic Flow: Formulation and Simple Progressive Solution Strategy. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 190 (2001) 4609 - 4625.

Maniatty, A.M., Liu, Y., Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Higher Order Stabilized Finite Element Method for Hyper-Elastic Finite Deformation. accepted for publication.


Beall, M.W.
An Object-Oriented Framework for the Reliable Automated Solution of Problems in Mathematical Physics. (pdf file)

Conference proceedings:

Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Automatic Generation of Partition of Unity Discretizations for Three Dimensional Domains.
International Conference on Computational Engineering Science. Atlanta, GA, October 6-9, 1998.

Klaas, O., Maniatty, A., Shephard, M.S.:
Three-Dimensional Stabilized Finite Element Model for Finite Deformation Processes.
In: Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation. Proceedings of Plasticity'99: The Seventh International Symposium on Plasticity and its current Applications. Cancun, Mexico January 5-13, 1999.

Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Automatic Generation of Partition of Unity Discretizations for Three Dimensional Domains.
In: Theoretische und numerische Methoden in der angewandten Mechanik mit Praxisbeispielen.
Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universitaet Hannover. R. Mahnken (Hrsg.). Bericht Nr. F 98/4.

Maniatty, A.M., Liu, Y., Klaas:
Heterogeneous Stresses in Thin Polycrystalline Films on Substrates. In: Proceedings of Plasticity 2000: Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming. A. Khan, H. Zhang, Y. Yuan (eds.) Neat Press, pp. 635 - 637. The 8th international Symposium on Plasticity. Whistler Resort, British Columbia, Canada. July 17 to 21, 2000.

Maniatty, A.M., Liu, Y., Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
Higher order Stabilized FEM for Modeling Finite Deformations. In: Proceedings of Plasticity 2000: Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming. A. Khan, H. Zhang, Y. Yuan (eds.) Neat Press, pp. 83 - 85. The 8th international Symposium on Plasticity. Whistler Resort, British Columbia, Canada. July 17 to 21, 2000.

Liu, Y., Maniatty, A.M., Klaas, O., Shephard, M.S.:
A Stabilized Mixed FEM for Viscoplastic Flow Analysis.
In: Proceedings of IMECE 2000. ASME Press, pp. 761 - 767. 2000 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. November 5-10, 2000, O


Andrew Bauer