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apfMDS.h File Reference

Interface to the compact Mesh Data Structure. More...

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 All APF symbols are contained in this namespace.


Mesh2 * apf::makeEmptyMdsMesh (gmi_model *model, int dim, bool isMatched)
 create an empty MDS part More...
Mesh2 * apf::loadMdsMesh (const char *modelfile, const char *meshfile)
 load an MDS mesh and model from file More...
Mesh2 * apf::loadMdsMesh (gmi_model *model, const char *meshfile)
 load an MDS mesh from files More...
Mesh2 * apf::createMdsMesh (gmi_model *model, Mesh *from, bool reorder=false, bool copy_data=true)
 create an MDS mesh from an existing mesh More...
void apf::reorderMdsMesh (Mesh2 *mesh, MeshTag *t=0)
 apply adjacency-based reordering More...
bool apf::alignMdsMatches (Mesh2 *in)
 align the downward adjacencies of matched entities
bool apf::alignMdsRemotes (Mesh2 *in)
 align the downward adjacencies of remote copies
void apf::deriveMdsModel (Mesh2 *in)
 build a null model such that apf::verify accepts the mesh. More...
void apf::deriveMdlFromManifold (Mesh2 *mesh, bool *isModelVert, int nBFaces, int(*bFaces)[5], GlobalToVert &globalToVert, std::map< int, apf::MeshEntity * > &globalToRegion)
 Given the mesh vertices that are also model vertices, and the classification on boundary mesh faces, constructs the classification on the rest of the boundary entities. More...
void apf::derive2DMdlFromManifold (Mesh2 *mesh, bool *isModelVert, int nBEdges, int(*bEdges)[4], GlobalToVert &globalToVert, std::map< int, apf::MeshEntity * > &globalToFace)
 Given the mesh vertices that are also model vertices, and the classification on boundary mesh edges, constructs the classification on the rest of the boundary entities for a 2-D mesh. More...
void apf::changeMdsDimension (Mesh2 *in, int d)
 change the dimension of an MDS mesh More...
int apf::getMdsIndex (Mesh2 *in, MeshEntity *e)
 returns the dimension-unique index for this entity More...
MeshEntity * apf::getMdsEntity (Mesh2 *in, int dimension, int index)
 retrieve an entity by dimension and index More...
Mesh2 * apf::loadMdsFromANSYS (const char *nodefile, const char *elemfile)
 load an MDS mesh from ANSYS .node and .elem files More...

Detailed Description

Interface to the compact Mesh Data Structure.

Definition in file apfMDS.h.