Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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apfShape.h File Reference

Field node distribution and shape functions. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


class  apf::EntityShape
 Shape functions over this element. More...
class  apf::FieldShape
 Describes field distribution and shape functions. More...


 All APF symbols are contained in this namespace.


FieldShape * apf::getLagrange (int order)
 Get the Lagrangian shape function of some polynomial order. More...
FieldShape * apf::getSerendipity ()
 Get the Serendipity shape functions of second order.
FieldShape * apf::getConstant (int dimension)
 Get the Constant shape function over some dimension. More...
FieldShape * apf::getIPShape (int dimension, int order)
 Get the Integration Point distribution. More...
FieldShape * apf::getVoronoiShape (int dimension, int order)
 Get the Voronoi shape function. More...
FieldShape * apf::getIPFitShape (int dimension, int order)
 Get the IP Fit shape function. More...
FieldShape * apf::getHierarchic (int order)
 Get the quadratic hierarchic shape function. More...
void apf::projectHierarchicField (Field *to, Field *from)
 Project a hierarchic field.
int apf::countElementNodes (FieldShape *s, int type)
 count the number of nodes affecting an element type More...
Vector3 apf::boundaryToElementXi (Mesh *m, MeshEntity *boundary, MeshEntity *element, Vector3 const &xi)
 Reparameterize from boundary entity to element. More...

Detailed Description

Field node distribution and shape functions.

Definition in file apfShape.h.