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chef.h File Reference

The Chef interface. More...

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void chef::cook (gmi_model *&g, apf::Mesh2 *&m)
 read and write to and from files
void chef::cook (gmi_model *&g, apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl)
 read and write to and from files and load control info
void chef::cook (gmi_model *&g, apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl, RStream *in)
 read from stream and write to files
void chef::cook (gmi_model *&g, apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl, GRStream *out)
 read from files and write to stream
void chef::cook (gmi_model *&g, apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl, RStream *in, GRStream *out)
 read and write to and from streams
apf::Field * chef::extractField (apf::Mesh *m, const char *packedFieldname, const char *requestFieldname, int firstComp, int numOfComp, bool simField=false)
 extract a field from a packed field
apf::Field * chef::combineField (apf::Mesh *m, const char *packedFieldname, const char *inFieldname1, const char *inFieldname2, const char *inFieldname3)
 combine 3 fields into 1 packed field
void chef::readAndAttachFields (ph::Input &ctrl, apf::Mesh2 *&m)
 read and attach fields from files
void chef::balanceAndReorder (ph::Input &ctrl, apf::Mesh2 *m)
 load balance the partition then reorder the vertices
void chef::balance (ph::Input &ctrl, apf::Mesh2 *m)
 load balance the partition
void chef::adapt (apf::Mesh2 *m, apf::Field *szFld)
 adapt the mesh using the given szFld
void chef::adapt (apf::Mesh2 *m, apf::Field *szFld, ph::Input &ctrl)
 adapt the mesh based on input control
void chef::uniformRefinement (ph::Input &ctrl, apf::Mesh2 *m)
 uniformly refine the mesh
void chef::adaptLevelSet (ph::Input &ctrl, apf::Mesh2 *m)
 adapt around the zero level set
void chef::preprocess (apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl)
 read fields from the mesh and write to files
void chef::preprocess (apf::Mesh2 *&m, ph::Input &ctrl, GRStream *out)
 read fields from the mesh and write to streams

Detailed Description

The Chef interface.

Definition in file chef.h.