Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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ph::Input Class Reference

User configuration for Chef execution. More...

Public Attributes

int ensa_dof
 this corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom in the solution field of the output restart file. Note that it should correspond to the number of initial conditions specified in the spj file if the solution is built from scratch. When the solution is migrated from existing restart files, it should also correspond to the number of dof in the existing solution field. Set it to 5 for single phase flow with no turbulence model and 7 for two phase flows with level set scalars.
std::string restartFileName
 path to the restart files More...
std::string attributeFileName
 path to the spj or smd file containing the boundary and initial conditions
std::string meshFileName
 path to the directory that includes the input mesh More...
std::string outMeshFileName
 output mesh file name, see meshFileName
std::string modelFileName
 path to the geometric model More...
std::string partitionMethod
 select the method used to increase the number of parts in the mesh. More...
std::string preAdaptBalanceMethod
 select the method used to balance the mesh prior to adaptation. More...
std::string midAdaptBalanceMethod
 select the method used to balance the mesh during adaptation. More...
std::string postAdaptBalanceMethod
 select the method used to balance the mesh after adaptation. More...
std::string prePhastaBalanceMethod
 select the method used to balance the mesh prior to pre-processing. More...
int tetrahedronize
 tetrahedronize a mixed mesh if set to 1.
int localPtn
 enables the use of local partitioning methods. More...
int splitAllLayerEdges
 enable splitting triangle edges of a prismatic boundary layer stack
int filterMatches
 filter out a subset of 3-way periodic matches. it also filters out DG interface matches.
int writeGeomBCFiles
 write the geombc file during in-memory data transfer between phasta and chef.
int writeRestartFiles
 write the restart file during in-memory data transfer between phasta and chef.
double meshqCrtn
 the value of criteria for the mesh measure. More...
int simmetrixMesh
 the flag for switch between simmetrix mesh and pumi-based mesh. avoid run incompatible APIs with simmetrix mesh
int maxAdaptIterations
 the max number of iterations in mesh adaptation More...
int printIOtime
 report the time spent in IO
int mesh2geom
 flag of writing m2g fields to geomBC files
double alphaDist
 closest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
double alphaSize
 absolute isotropic size within [0:alphaDist) of zero level set
double betaDist
 second closest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
double betaSize
 absolute isotropic size within [alphaDist:betaDist) of zero level set
double gammaDist
 furthest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
double gammaSize
 absolute isotropic size within [betaDist:gammDist) of zero level set
int nRigidBody
 number of rigid bodies
int nRBParam
 number of parameters for each rigid body
std::vector< double > rbParamData
 parameter data for rigid body
double gradingFactor
 factor used for mesh smooth/gradation
int simCooperation
 option used for wrapping sim mesh adapter and improver into mover
int writeSimLog
 flag for writing simmetrix log file
double simCFLUpperBound
 maximum CFL number for mesh size
double simSizeLowerBound
 minimum desired mesh size for sim adapter
double simSizeUpperBound
 maximum desired mesh size for sim adapter
double simMaxAdaptMeshElements
 number of allowed mesh elements of adapted mesh

Detailed Description

User configuration for Chef execution.

Definition at line 21 of file phInput.h.

Member Data Documentation

int ph::Input::localPtn

enables the use of local partitioning methods.

when set to '1' each process will run a serial instance of the method selected with partitionMethod. When set to '0' all processes coordinate to run a parallel instance of the selected partitioning method. For part counts over 32Ki, the memory requirements of a parallel instance of the 'graph' method typically exceeds available memory.

Definition at line 125 of file phInput.h.

int ph::Input::maxAdaptIterations

the max number of iterations in mesh adaptation

this is only used in solver-adaptor (phastaChef) loop

Definition at line 166 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::meshFileName

path to the directory that includes the input mesh

the path to the SCOREC MDS mesh must end with a '/' if it is a directory containing multiple '<partid>.smb' files. This path can also be prepended by "bz2:" to tell the mesh file reader that the files have been compressed.

Definition at line 53 of file phInput.h.

double ph::Input::meshqCrtn

the value of criteria for the mesh measure.

this is only used in solver-adaptor (phastaChef) loop. If the mesh quality is less than this value, it will trigger the mesh adaptor.

Definition at line 156 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::midAdaptBalanceMethod

select the method used to balance the mesh during adaptation.

valid options are 'graph', 'parma', and 'none'. See the partitionMethod and preAdaptBalanceMethod documentation for a description of the methods. Note, the 'LocalPtn' parameter does not apply as balancing is a global operation.

Definition at line 81 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::modelFileName

path to the geometric model

the SCOREC discrete (.dmg) is supported if core was built without Simmetrix enabled. If Simmetrix is enabled Parasolid (.x_t), ACIS (.sat), and Simmetrix GeomSim (.smd) models are supported

Definition at line 60 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::partitionMethod

select the method used to increase the number of parts in the mesh.

partitionMethod can be set to 'graph' to use multi-level ParMETIS Part k-way, 'rib' to use SCOREC's recursive inertial bisection, and 'zrib' to use Zoltan's recursive inertial bisection.

Definition at line 66 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::postAdaptBalanceMethod

select the method used to balance the mesh after adaptation.

valid options are 'graph', 'zrib', 'parma', 'parma-gap', and 'none'. Selecting 'parma-gap' balances the mesh elements and reduces the number of parts that share mesh entities with each part (neighbors). See the partitionMethod and preAdaptBalanceMethod documentation for a description of the methods. Note, the 'LocalPtn' parameter does not apply as balancing is a global operation.

Definition at line 90 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::preAdaptBalanceMethod

select the method used to balance the mesh prior to adaptation.

valid options are 'graph', 'zrib', 'parma', and 'none'. Selecting 'parma' balances the elements via a diffusive method and selecting 'none' will disable balancing prior to adaptation. See the partitionMethod documentation for a description of the other methods. Note, the 'LocalPtn' parameter does not apply as balancing is a global operation.

Definition at line 74 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::prePhastaBalanceMethod

select the method used to balance the mesh prior to pre-processing.

valid options are 'graph', 'zrib', 'parma', 'parma-gap', and 'none'. See the partitionMethod, preAdaptBalanceMethod, and postAdaptBalanceMethod documentation for a description of the methods. Note, the 'LocalPtn' parameter does not apply as balancing is a global operation.

Definition at line 97 of file phInput.h.

std::string ph::Input::restartFileName

path to the restart files

this will be read in when solution migration is activated. The path should be written as 'N-procs_case/restart' where N is the number of processes. The phasta reader will then add the time step stamp to the name of this restartFileName variable, as well as the file number.

Definition at line 44 of file phInput.h.

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