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crvBezierShapes.h File Reference

main file for bezier shape functions More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 the curving functions are contained in this namespace


typedef void(* crv::bezierShape )(int P, apf::Vector3 const &xi, apf::NewArray< double > &values)
 typedef for table of shape functions
typedef void(* crv::bezierShapeGrads )(int P, apf::Vector3 const &xi, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &grads)
 typedef for table of shape function gradients


void crv::BlendedTriangleGetValues (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, apf::Vector3 const &xi, apf::NewArray< double > &values)
 shape blending functions More...
void crv::getBezierTransformationMatrix (int type, int P, mth::Matrix< double > &A, const apf::Vector3 *range)
 Get transformation matrix corresponding to a parametric range. More...
void crv::getBezierTransformationMatrix (int parentType, int childType, int P, mth::Matrix< double > &A, const apf::Vector3 *childRange)
 Get transformation matrix of a lower entity in a higher entity over a parametric range. More...


const bezierShape crv::bezier [apf::Mesh::TYPES]
 table of shape functions
const bezierShapeGrads crv::bezierGrads [apf::Mesh::TYPES]
 table of shape function gradients

Detailed Description

main file for bezier shape functions

Definition in file crvBezierShapes.h.