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crvTables.h File Reference

main file for tables used in ordering curved entities More...

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 the curving functions are contained in this namespace


unsigned const *const *const crv::b2 [11]
 table of indices for triangles, b2[order][i][j], only up to 10th order is stored, higher can be generated on the fly
unsigned const *const *const *const crv::b3 [5]
 table of indices for tets, b3[order][i][j][k], only up to 4th order is stored, higher can be generated on the fly
unsigned const *const *const *const crv::tet_tri [7]
 table of alignment used in alignSharedNodes, tet_tri[order][flip][rotate][node];
apf::Vector3 const *const crv::elem_vert_xi [apf::Mesh::TYPES]
 parametric locations of midpoint nodes given a vertex number, elem_vert_xi[type][vertex_index]
apf::Vector3 const *const crv::elem_edge_xi [apf::Mesh::TYPES]
 parametric locations of midpoint nodes given an edge number, elem_edge_xi[type][edge_index]

Detailed Description

main file for tables used in ordering curved entities

Definition in file crvTables.h.