Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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crv.h File Reference

main file for curved element support More...

Go to the source code of this file.


class  crv::MeshCurver
 Base Mesh curving object. More...
class  crv::InterpolatingCurver
 curves an already changed mesh More...
class  crv::BezierCurver
 this curves a mesh with Bezier shapes More...
class  crv::GregoryCurver
 this curves a mesh with 4th order G1 Patches More...
class  crv::Quality
 class to store matrices used in quality assessment and validity checking More...


 the curving functions are contained in this namespace


void crv::setOrder (const int order)
 sets order used in bezier shape functions
int crv::getOrder ()
 gets order used in bezier shape functions
void crv::setBlendingOrder (const int type, const int b)
 sets the blending order, if shape blending is used
int crv::getBlendingOrder (const int type)
 gets the blending order
int crv::countNumberInvalidElements (apf::Mesh2 *m)
 count invalid elements of the mesh
ma::Inputcrv::configureShapeCorrection (ma::Mesh *m, ma::SizeField *f=0, ma::SolutionTransfer *s=0)
 configure for fixing invalid elements
void crv::adapt (ma::Input *in)
 crv adapt with custom configuration More...
void crv::stats (ma::Input *in, std::vector< double > &edgeLengths, std::vector< double > &linearQualities, std::vector< double > &curvedQualities, bool inMetric=true)
 crv stats to get statistic information about the mesh More...
apf::FieldShapecrv::getBezier (int order)
 Get the Bezier Curve or Shape of some order. More...
apf::FieldShapecrv::getGregory ()
 Get the 4th order Gregory Surface.
double crv::getQuality (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e)
 computes min det Jacobian / max det Jacobian. Quality::getQuality should be used if multiple elements checked in a row
int crv::checkValidity (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, int algorithm=2)
 checks validity of it and returns integer corresponding to invalid entity. Quality::checkValidity should be used if multiple elements checked in a row More...
Quality * crv::makeQuality (apf::Mesh *m, int algorithm=2)
 use this to make a quality object with the correct dimension
double crv::interpolationError (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, int n)
 computes interpolation error of a curved entity on a mesh More...
void crv::writeCurvedVtuFiles (apf::Mesh *m, int type, int n, const char *prefix)
 Visualization, writes file for specified type, n is number of subdivisions, higher number -> better resolution, but bigger file.
void crv::writeCurvedWireFrame (apf::Mesh *m, int n, const char *prefix)
 Visualization, writes wireframe of the curved mesh, n is number of subdivisions, higher number -> better resolution, but bigger file.
void crv::writeControlPointVtuFiles (apf::Mesh *m, const char *prefix)
 Visualization, writes file of control nodes for each entity.
void crv::writeInterpolationPointVtuFiles (apf::Mesh *m, const char *prefix)
 Visualization, writes file of shapes evaluated at node xi for each entity.
int crv::getTriNodeIndex (int P, int i, int j)
 publically accessible functions
void crv::fail (const char *why) __attribute__((noreturn))
 crv fail function

Detailed Description

main file for curved element support

Definition in file crv.h.