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gmi_null.h File Reference

GMI null model interface. More...

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void gmi_register_null (void)
 register null model system More...
struct gmi_ent * gmi_null_find (struct gmi_model *m, int dim, int tag)
 the null model implementation of gmi_find More...

Detailed Description

GMI null model interface.

Definition in file gmi_null.h.

Function Documentation

struct gmi_ent* gmi_null_find ( struct gmi_model m,
int  dim,
int  tag 

the null model implementation of gmi_find

this is not for public users, just call gmi_find

void gmi_register_null ( void  )

register null model system

The null model system is the shame of GMI. It exists to create small meshes by hand for debugging and to deal with meshes created by less than intelligent methods. Please avoid it at all costs.

The null model system registers with file extension ".null", so any filename that ends with that will create an empty null model without reading any real files.

gmi_find calls to the null model will return an existing pointer if found, otherwise a new entity will be created with that tag and dimension and that new pointer will be returned. This allows a classified mesh to build up a set of model entities while being loaded, or users can just manually call model find functions to "create" new entities.