Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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maMesh.h File Reference

mesh functions for MeshAdapt More...

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 All MeshAdapt symbols.


typedef apf::Vector3 ma::Vector
 convenient vector name
typedef apf::Matrix3x3 ma::Matrix
 convenient matrix name
typedef apf::Mesh2 ma::Mesh
 convenient mesh name
typedef apf::MeshEntity ma::Entity
 convenient mesh entity name
typedef apf::MeshIterator ma::Iterator
 convenient mesh iterator name
typedef apf::MeshTag ma::Tag
 convenient mesh tag name
typedef apf::DynamicArray
< Entity * > 
 convenient mesh entity array name
typedef std::set< Entity * > ma::EntitySet
 convenient mesh entity set name
typedef EntityArray ma::Upward
 convenient mesh entity upward adjacencies name
typedef apf::Downward ma::Downward
 convenient mesh entity downward adjacencies name
typedef apf::ModelEntity ma::Model
 convenient geometric model entity name
typedef apf::Copies ma::Remotes
 convenient remote copies name
typedef apf::Parts ma::Parts
 part id set name


Vector ma::getPosition (Mesh *m, Entity *vertex)
 get vertex spatial coordinates
Entity * ma::rebuildElement (Mesh *m, Entity *original, Entity *oldVert, Entity *newVert, apf::BuildCallback *cb, RebuildCallback *rcb=0)
 rebuild an element with one vertex being different More...
double ma::getInsphere (Mesh *m, Entity *e)
 Computes the insphere radius of an element. More...

Detailed Description

mesh functions for MeshAdapt

Definition in file maMesh.h.