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mthAD.h File Reference

A forward automatic differentiation variable. More...

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class  mth::AD< T, N >
 forward automatic differentiation variable More...
class  mth::AD< T, 0 >
 forward automatic differentiation variable with dynamic variable array More...


 All MTH functions are contained in this namespace.


template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator- (AD< T, N > const &A)
 unary subtraction
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator+ (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 binary addition between a double and an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator+ (AD< T, N > const &L, double R)
 binary addition between an AD variable and a double
template<class T , class B , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator+ (AD< T, N > const &L, AD< B, N > const &R)
 binary addition between two AD variables
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator- (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 binary subtraction between a double and an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator- (AD< T, N > const &L, double R)
 binary subtraction between an AD variable and a double
template<class T , class B , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator- (AD< T, N > const &L, AD< B, N > const &R)
 binary subtraction between two AD variables
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator* (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 binary multiplication between a double and an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator* (AD< T, N > const &L, double R)
 binary multiplication between an AD variable and a double
template<class T , class B , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator* (AD< T, N > const &L, AD< B, N > const &R)
 binary multiplication between two AD variables
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator/ (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 binary division between a double and an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator/ (AD< T, N > const &L, double R)
 binary division between an AD variable and a double
template<class T , class B , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::operator/ (AD< B, N > const &L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 binary division between two AD variables
double mth::exp (double x)
 wrapper to standard exp function
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::exp (AD< T, N > const &A)
 exponent of an AD variable
double mth::log (double A)
 wrapper for stander log function
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::log (AD< T, N > const &A)
 logarithm of an AD variable
double mth::pow (double A, double e)
 wrapper to standard pow function
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::pow (AD< T, N > const &A, const int e)
 AD variable raised to an integer power.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::pow (AD< T, N > const &A, const double e)
 AD variable raised to a double power.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::pow (const int base, AD< T, N > const &A)
 integer raised to an AD power
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::pow (const double base, AD< T, N > const &A)
 double raised to an AD power
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::pow (AD< T, N > const &A, AD< T, N > const &e)
 AD variable raised to an AD variable power.
double mth::sqrt (double A)
 wrapper for standard sqrt function
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::sqrt (AD< T, N > const &A)
 square root of an AD variable
double mth::sin (double A)
 wrapper for standard sin function
double mth::cos (double A)
 wrapper for standard cos function
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::sin (AD< T, N > const &A)
 sin of an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::cos (AD< T, N > const &A)
 cos of an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::tan (AD< T, N > const &A)
 tan of an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
AD< T, N > mth::abs (AD< T, N > const &A)
 absolute value of an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator< (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 double less than an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator< (AD< T, N > const &R, double L)
 AD variable less than a double.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator< (AD< T, N > const &R, AD< T, N > const &L)
 AD variable less than an AD variable.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator<= (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 double less than or equal to an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator<= (AD< T, N > const &R, double L)
 AD variable less than or equal to a double.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator<= (AD< T, N > const &R, AD< T, N > const &L)
 AD variable less than or equal to an AD variable.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator> (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 double greater than an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator> (AD< T, N > const &R, double L)
 AD variable greater than a double.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator> (AD< T, N > const &R, AD< T, N > const &L)
 AD variable greater than an AD variable.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator>= (double L, AD< T, N > const &R)
 double greater than or equal to an AD variable
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator>= (AD< T, N > const &R, double L)
 AD variable greater than or equal to a double.
template<class T , unsigned int N>
bool mth::operator>= (AD< T, N > const &R, AD< T, N > const &L)
 AD variable greater than or equal to an AD variable.

Detailed Description

A forward automatic differentiation variable.

Definition in file mthAD.h.