Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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parma.h File Reference

The ParMA tools interface. More...

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struct  Parma_GroupCode
 User-defined code to run on process sub-groups. More...


void Parma_GetEntImbalance (apf::Mesh *mesh, double(*entImb)[4])
 get entity imbalance More...
void Parma_GetWeightedEntImbalance (apf::Mesh *mesh, apf::MeshTag *weight, double(*entImb)[4])
 see Parma_GetEntImbalance(...) More...
double Parma_GetWeightedEntImbalance (apf::Mesh *mesh, apf::MeshTag *weight, int dim)
 see Parma_GetEntImbalance(...) More...
void Parma_GetNeighborStats (apf::Mesh *m, int &max, int &maxNumParts, double &avg, int &loc)
 get the maximum and average number of vtx-connected neighboring parts More...
void Parma_WriteSmallNeighbors (apf::Mesh *m, int small, const char *prefix)
 write the number of parts with neighbors formed by a small number of shared vtx More...
int Parma_GetSmallestSideMaxNeighborParts (apf::Mesh *m)
 get the smallest number of shared vertices forming a neighbor ,a 'side', in a part with the maximum number of neigbhors More...
void Parma_GetOwnedBdryVtxStats (apf::Mesh *m, int &loc, long &tot, int &min, int &max, double &avg)
 get the number of owned vertices on inter-part boundaries More...
void Parma_GetSharedBdryVtxStats (apf::Mesh *m, int &loc, long &tot, int &min, int &max, double &avg)
 get the number of shared vertices on inter-part boundaries More...
void Parma_GetMdlBdryVtxStats (apf::Mesh *m, int &loc, long &tot, int &min, int &max, double &avg)
 get the number of vertices classified on the model boundary More...
void Parma_GetDisconnectedStats (apf::Mesh *m, int &max, double &avg, int &loc)
 get the maximum, average and local number of face-disconnected components More...
void Parma_PrintPtnStats (apf::Mesh *m, std::string key, bool fine=false)
 prints partition stats More...
void Parma_PrintWeightedPtnStats (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshTag *w, std::string key, bool fine=false)
 prints partition stats using entity weights More...
void Parma_ProcessDisconnectedParts (apf::Mesh *m)
 re-connect disconnected parts More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeCentroidDiffuser (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbose=0)
 create an APF Balancer using centroid diffusion More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeShapeOptimizer (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbose=0)
 create an APF Balancer to optimize part shape More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeMPASDiffuser (apf::Mesh *m, int layers, int bridge, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer for MPAS More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeGhostEdgeDiffuser (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an edge balancer that is ghost aware More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeGhostDiffuser (apf::Mesh *m, int layers, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer using ghost element aware diffusion for a vertex-based partition More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeGhostDiffuser (apf::Mesh *m, int layers, int bridge, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 backward compatability
void Parma_WriteVtxPtn (apf::Mesh *m, const char *prefix)
 write the vertex based partition to file More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeVtxBalancer (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer targeting vertex imbalance More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeElmBalancer (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer targeting element imbalance More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeVtxEdgeElmBalancer (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer targeting vertex, edge, and elm imbalance More...
apf::BalancerParma_MakeVtxElmBalancer (apf::Mesh *m, double stepFactor=0.1, int verbosity=0)
 create an APF Balancer targeting vertex, and elm imbalance More...
apf::SplitterParma_MakeRibSplitter (apf::Mesh *m, bool sync=true)
 create an APF Splitter using recursive inertial bisection More...
apf::MeshTag * Parma_WeighByMemory (apf::Mesh *m)
 create a mesh tag that weighs elements by their memory consumption More...
void Parma_ShrinkPartition (apf::Mesh2 *m, int factor, Parma_GroupCode &toRun)
 Shrink the mesh into N/factor processes. More...
void Parma_SplitPartition (apf::Mesh2 *m, int factor, Parma_GroupCode &toRun)
 Split the processes into groups of (factor). More...
int Parma_MisNumbering (apf::Mesh *m, int d)
 Compute maximal independent set numbering. More...
apf::MeshTag * Parma_BfsReorder (apf::Mesh *m, int verbosity=0)
 reorder the mesh via a breadth first search More...

Detailed Description

The ParMA tools interface.

Definition in file parma.h.

Function Documentation

apf::MeshTag* Parma_BfsReorder ( apf::Mesh m,
int  verbosity = 0 

reorder the mesh via a breadth first search

the returned tag has the reordered vertex order
m(In) partitioned mesh
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf mesh tag
void Parma_GetDisconnectedStats ( apf::Mesh m,
int &  max,
double &  avg,
int &  loc 

get the maximum, average and local number of face-disconnected components

m(In) partitioned mesh
max(InOut) max disconnected
avg(InOut) average disconnected
loc(InOut) local disconnected
void Parma_GetEntImbalance ( apf::Mesh mesh,
double(*)  entImb[4] 

get entity imbalance

mesh(InOut) partitioned mesh
entImb(InOut) entity imbalance [vtx, edge, face, rgn]
void Parma_GetMdlBdryVtxStats ( apf::Mesh m,
int &  loc,
long &  tot,
int &  min,
int &  max,
double &  avg 

get the number of vertices classified on the model boundary

m(In) partitioned mesh
loc(InOut) local number of vertices
tot(InOut) total number of vertices
min(InOut) min number of vertices on a single part
max(InOut) max number of vertices on a single part
avg(InOut) average number of vertices per part
void Parma_GetNeighborStats ( apf::Mesh m,
int &  max,
int &  maxNumParts,
double &  avg,
int &  loc 

get the maximum and average number of vtx-connected neighboring parts

for each part count the number of parts it shares mesh vertices with
m(In) partitioned mesh
max(InOut) max neighbors
maxNumParts(InOut) number of parts with max neighbors
avg(InOut) average neighbors
loc(InOut) local neighbors
void Parma_GetOwnedBdryVtxStats ( apf::Mesh m,
int &  loc,
long &  tot,
int &  min,
int &  max,
double &  avg 

get the number of owned vertices on inter-part boundaries

m(In) partitioned mesh
loc(InOut) local number of vertices
tot(InOut) total number of vertices
min(InOut) min number of vertices on a single part
max(InOut) max number of vertices on a single part
avg(InOut) average number of vertices per part
void Parma_GetSharedBdryVtxStats ( apf::Mesh m,
int &  loc,
long &  tot,
int &  min,
int &  max,
double &  avg 

get the number of shared vertices on inter-part boundaries

m(In) partitioned mesh
loc(InOut) local number of vertices
tot(InOut) total number of vertices
min(InOut) min number of vertices on a single part
max(InOut) max number of vertices on a single part
avg(InOut) average number of vertices per part
int Parma_GetSmallestSideMaxNeighborParts ( apf::Mesh m)

get the smallest number of shared vertices forming a neighbor ,a 'side', in a part with the maximum number of neigbhors

m(In) partitioned mesh
smallest number of shared vertices
void Parma_GetWeightedEntImbalance ( apf::Mesh mesh,
apf::MeshTag *  weight,
double(*)  entImb[4] 

see Parma_GetEntImbalance(...)

On a part, if an entity order (vtx, edge, face, rgn) does not have weights set on all its entities then a weight of one will be assigned to each of the entities (of the given order)
mesh(InOut) partitioned mesh
weight(In) entity weights used for computing imbalance
entImb(InOut) entity imbalance [vtx, edge, face, rgn]
double Parma_GetWeightedEntImbalance ( apf::Mesh mesh,
apf::MeshTag *  weight,
int  dim 

see Parma_GetEntImbalance(...)

mesh(InOut) partitioned mesh
weight(In) element weight used for computing imbalance
dim(In) entity dimension [vtx|edge|face|rgn]
entity imbalance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeCentroidDiffuser ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbose = 0 

create an APF Balancer using centroid diffusion

m(In) partitioned mesh
stepFactor(In) amount of weight to migrate between parts during diffusion, lower values migrate fewer elements per iteration
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeElmBalancer ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer targeting element imbalance

m(In) partitioned mesh
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeGhostDiffuser ( apf::Mesh m,
int  layers,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer using ghost element aware diffusion for a vertex-based partition

Ghosting for a vertex-based partition is asymetric; ghosts are only needed for vertices on the boundary that are owned.
m(In) partitioned mesh
layers(In) depth of ghosting
stepFactor(In) amount of weight to migrate between parts during diffusion, lower values migrate fewer elements per iteration
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeGhostEdgeDiffuser ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an edge balancer that is ghost aware

m(In) partitioned mesh
stepFactor(In) amount of weight to migrate between parts during diffusion, lower values migrate fewer elements per iteration
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeMPASDiffuser ( apf::Mesh m,
int  layers,
int  bridge,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer for MPAS

m(In) partitioned mesh
layers(In) depth of ghosting
bridge(In) dimension of entity ghosting depth is based on, typically meshDim-1
stepFactor(In) amount of weight to migrate between parts during diffusion, lower values migrate fewer elements per iteration
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Splitter* Parma_MakeRibSplitter ( apf::Mesh m,
bool  sync = true 

create an APF Splitter using recursive inertial bisection

m(In) partitioned mesh
sync(In) true if all parts will be split, false o.w.
apf splitter instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeShapeOptimizer ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbose = 0 

create an APF Balancer to optimize part shape

m(In) partitioned mesh
stepFactor(In) amount of weight to migrate between parts during diffusion, lower values migrate fewer elements per iteration
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeVtxBalancer ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer targeting vertex imbalance

m(In) partitioned mesh
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeVtxEdgeElmBalancer ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer targeting vertex, edge, and elm imbalance

m(In) partitioned mesh
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
apf::Balancer* Parma_MakeVtxElmBalancer ( apf::Mesh m,
double  stepFactor = 0.1,
int  verbosity = 0 

create an APF Balancer targeting vertex, and elm imbalance

m(In) partitioned mesh
verbosity(In) output control, higher values output more
apf balancer instance
int Parma_MisNumbering ( apf::Mesh m,
int  d 

Compute maximal independent set numbering.

This function will compute the maximal independent set numbering for the partition such that no two part neighbors that share dimension d mesh entities will be assigned the same number.
m(In) partitioned mesh
d(In) adjacency dimension
void Parma_PrintPtnStats ( apf::Mesh m,
std::string  key,
bool  fine = false 

prints partition stats

includes face-disconnected components, number of vertices on inter-part boundaries, number of vtx-connected neighboring parts, entity imbalance, and number of empty parts
m(In) partitioned mesh
key(In) identifying string to write with stat output
fine(In) enable per part stat output
void Parma_PrintWeightedPtnStats ( apf::Mesh m,
apf::MeshTag *  w,
std::string  key,
bool  fine = false 

prints partition stats using entity weights

On a part, if an entity order (vtx, edge, face, rgn) does not have weights set on all its entities then a weight of one will be assigned to each of the entities (of the given order)
m(In) partitioned mesh
w(In) tag with entity weights
key(In) identifying string to write with stat output
fine(In) enable per part stat output
void Parma_ProcessDisconnectedParts ( apf::Mesh m)

re-connect disconnected parts

m(In) partitioned mesh
void Parma_ShrinkPartition ( apf::Mesh2 m,
int  factor,
Parma_GroupCode toRun 

Shrink the mesh into N/factor processes.

This function will take N=PCU_Comm_Peers() and generate (factor) subgroups, each of (N/factor) processes. It then migrates the mesh onto group 0 and then calls the user's group code on all groups. After the user's code completes, the mesh is repartitioned to all N processes and this function returns. groups are organized such that contiguous ranges of (factor) parts are combined into one and then that one is split back out into (factor) contiguous part ids again.

void Parma_SplitPartition ( apf::Mesh2 m,
int  factor,
Parma_GroupCode toRun 

Split the processes into groups of (factor).

This function groups contiguous ranges of (factor) processes into (PCU_Comm_Peers()/factor) total groups, then calls the user's group code. After the user's code completes, execution returns to the global communicator. If a non-zero mesh pointer is given, then apf::remapPartition is used to maintain the mesh structure during these transitions.

apf::MeshTag* Parma_WeighByMemory ( apf::Mesh m)

create a mesh tag that weighs elements by their memory consumption

m(In) partitioned mesh
mesh tag
void Parma_WriteSmallNeighbors ( apf::Mesh m,
int  small,
const char *  prefix 

write the number of parts with neighbors formed by a small number of shared vtx

m(In) partitioned mesh
small(In) report part counts with [1:small] number of shared vertices
prefix(In) string to prepend to output
void Parma_WriteVtxPtn ( apf::Mesh m,
const char *  prefix 

write the vertex based partition to file

m(In) partitioned mesh
prefix(In) prefix for file names