Parallel unstructured mesh tools
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1 #ifndef PH_INPUT_H
2 #define PH_INPUT_H
13 #include <string>
14 #include <vector>
16 struct RStream;
18 namespace ph {
21 class Input
22 {
23  public:
24  Input();
25  void load(const char* filename);
26  int timeStepNumber;
36  int ensa_dof;
37  int ensa_melas_dof;
44  std::string restartFileName;
47  std::string attributeFileName;
53  std::string meshFileName;
55  std::string outMeshFileName;
60  std::string modelFileName;
61  std::string outputFormat;
66  std::string partitionMethod;
74  std::string preAdaptBalanceMethod;
81  std::string midAdaptBalanceMethod;
98  int adaptFlag;
99  int rRead;
100  int rStart;
101  int adaptStrategy;
102  double validQuality;
103  double adaptErrorThreshold;
104  std::string adaptErrorFieldName;
105  int adaptErrorFieldIndex;
106  int periodic;
107  int prCD;
108  int timing;
109  int internalBCNodes;
110  int writeDebugFiles;
111  int phastaIO;
112  int splitFactor;
113  int solutionMigration;
114  int useAttachedFields;
115  int displacementMigration;
116  int isReorder;
125  int localPtn;
126  int recursiveUR;
127  int dwalMigration;
128  int buildMapping;
129  int elementsPerMigration;
130  int threaded;
131  int initBubbles;
132  std::string bubbleFileName;
133  int formElementGraph;
134  int snap;
135  int transferParametric;
141  int axisymmetry;
142  int formEdges;
143  int parmaLoops;
144  int parmaVerbosity;
151  int ramdisk;
156  double meshqCrtn;
157  double elementImbalance;
158  double vertexImbalance;
159  FILE* (*openfile_read)(Input& in, const char* path);
160  RStream* rs;
167  double adaptShrinkLimit;
173  double alphaDist;
175  double alphaSize;
177  double betaDist;
179  double betaSize;
181  double gammaDist;
183  double gammaSize;
187  int nRBParam;
189  std::vector<double> rbParamData;
204 };
206 int countNaturalBCs(Input& in);
207 int countEssentialBCs(Input& in);
208 int countScalarBCs(Input& in);
210 }
212 #endif
std::string prePhastaBalanceMethod
select the method used to balance the mesh prior to pre-processing.
Definition: phInput.h:97
int filterMatches
filter out a subset of 3-way periodic matches. it also filters out DG interface matches.
Definition: phInput.h:140
double simSizeLowerBound
minimum desired mesh size for sim adapter
Definition: phInput.h:199
int printIOtime
report the time spent in IO
Definition: phInput.h:169
double betaDist
second closest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
Definition: phInput.h:177
int writeGeomBCFiles
write the geombc file during in-memory data transfer between phasta and chef.
Definition: phInput.h:147
double gammaDist
furthest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
Definition: phInput.h:181
int mesh2geom
flag of writing m2g fields to geomBC files
Definition: phInput.h:171
int localPtn
enables the use of local partitioning methods.
Definition: phInput.h:125
double gradingFactor
factor used for mesh smooth/gradation
Definition: phInput.h:191
double gammaSize
absolute isotropic size within [betaDist:gammDist) of zero level set
Definition: phInput.h:183
int tetrahedronize
tetrahedronize a mixed mesh if set to 1.
Definition: phInput.h:118
std::string attributeFileName
path to the spj or smd file containing the boundary and initial conditions
Definition: phInput.h:47
std::string meshFileName
path to the directory that includes the input mesh
Definition: phInput.h:53
int nRigidBody
number of rigid bodies
Definition: phInput.h:185
std::string partitionMethod
select the method used to increase the number of parts in the mesh.
Definition: phInput.h:66
int writeRestartFiles
write the restart file during in-memory data transfer between phasta and chef.
Definition: phInput.h:150
std::string midAdaptBalanceMethod
select the method used to balance the mesh during adaptation.
Definition: phInput.h:81
double meshqCrtn
the value of criteria for the mesh measure.
Definition: phInput.h:156
User configuration for Chef execution.
Definition: phInput.h:21
int splitAllLayerEdges
enable splitting triangle edges of a prismatic boundary layer stack
Definition: phInput.h:137
std::string modelFileName
path to the geometric model
Definition: phInput.h:60
int writeSimLog
flag for writing simmetrix log file
Definition: phInput.h:195
std::vector< double > rbParamData
parameter data for rigid body
Definition: phInput.h:189
double simCFLUpperBound
maximum CFL number for mesh size
Definition: phInput.h:197
double simMaxAdaptMeshElements
number of allowed mesh elements of adapted mesh
Definition: phInput.h:203
int maxAdaptIterations
the max number of iterations in mesh adaptation
Definition: phInput.h:166
double betaSize
absolute isotropic size within [alphaDist:betaDist) of zero level set
Definition: phInput.h:179
std::string outMeshFileName
output mesh file name, see meshFileName
Definition: phInput.h:55
double alphaDist
closest distance from zero level set for banded refinement
Definition: phInput.h:173
int nRBParam
number of parameters for each rigid body
Definition: phInput.h:187
int ensa_dof
this corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom in the solution field of the output restart file...
Definition: phInput.h:36
std::string restartFileName
path to the restart files
Definition: phInput.h:44
double simSizeUpperBound
maximum desired mesh size for sim adapter
Definition: phInput.h:201
std::string preAdaptBalanceMethod
select the method used to balance the mesh prior to adaptation.
Definition: phInput.h:74
double alphaSize
absolute isotropic size within [0:alphaDist) of zero level set
Definition: phInput.h:175
std::string postAdaptBalanceMethod
select the method used to balance the mesh after adaptation.
Definition: phInput.h:90
int simCooperation
option used for wrapping sim mesh adapter and improver into mover
Definition: phInput.h:193
int simmetrixMesh
the flag for switch between simmetrix mesh and pumi-based mesh. avoid run incompatible APIs with simm...
Definition: phInput.h:163