CoonsPatch Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoonsPatch, including all inherited members.

CoonsPatch(pMeshEnt in_vtx0, pMeshEnt in_vtx1, pMeshEnt in_vtx2, pMeshEnt in_vtx3) (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatch
deriv1(Point2d in_xi, Point3d &out_xyz1, Point3d &out_xyz2) (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatch
eval(Point2d in_xi, Point3d &out_xyz) (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatch
m_curve01 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_curve03 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_curve12 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_curve32 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_vert0 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_vert1 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_vert2 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
m_vert3 (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchprivate
order() (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatch
~CoonsPatch() (defined in CoonsPatch)CoonsPatchinlinevirtual