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crvBezier.h File Reference

main file for support of bezier shape functions More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 the curving functions are contained in this namespace


double crv::Bij (const int i, const int j, const double u, const double v)
 polynomial part of bernstein polynomial, Bij, Bijk, Bijkl
double crv::Bij (const int ij[], const double xi[])
 a different form of Bij, Bijk, Bijkl
int crv::computeTriNodeIndex (int P, int i, int j)
 computes node index, use getTriNodeIndex to leverage tables
int crv::computeTetNodeIndex (int P, int i, int j, int k)
 computes node index, use getTetNodeIndex to leverage tables
int crv::getNumControlPoints (int type, int order)
 calculates total number of control points, use tables for smaller numbers, this is for quality More...
int crv::getNumInternalControlPoints (int type, int order)
 calculates number of internal control points, use tables for smaller numbers, this is for quality More...
void crv::getTriNodesFromTetNodes (int f, int P, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &tetNodes, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &triNodes)
 computes nodes of face f from tet More...
void crv::getTriDetJacNodesFromTetDetJacNodes (int f, int P, apf::NewArray< double > &tetNodes, apf::NewArray< double > &triNodes)
 computes det(Jacobian) nodes of face f from tet
void crv::getFullRepFromBlended (int type, apf::NewArray< double > &transformCoefficients, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &elemNodes)
 gets full set of bezier control points given blended points More...
double crv::computeTriJacobianDetFromBezierFormulation (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, apf::Vector3 &xi)
 computes det(Jacobian) for tri from the Bezier conversion More...
double crv::computeTetJacobianDetFromBezierFormulation (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, apf::Vector3 &xi)
 computes det(Jacobian) for tri from the Bezier conversion More...
void crv::getBezierNodeXi (int type, int P, int node, apf::Vector3 &xi)
 get one bezier node location in parameter space
void crv::collectNodeXi (int parentType, int childType, int P, const apf::Vector3 *range, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &xi)
 get all bezier node locations in parameter space
void crv::elevateBezierEdge (int P, int r, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &nodes, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &elevatedNodes)
 elevation functions for beziers
void crv::elevateBezierCurve (apf::Mesh2 *m, apf::MeshEntity *edge, int n, int r)
 Elevate a bezier curve to a higher order. More...
void crv::subdivideBezierEdge (int P, double t, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &nodes, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 >(&subNodes)[2])
 subdivision functions for beziers
void crv::convertInterpolationPoints (int n, int ne, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &nodes, apf::NewArray< double > &c, apf::NewArray< apf::Vector3 > &newNodes)
 converts interpolating points to control points More...
void crv::getBezierTransformationCoefficients (int P, int type, apf::NewArray< double > &c)
 get coefficients for interpolating points to control points More...
void crv::snapToInterpolate (apf::Mesh2 *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, bool isNew=false)
 a per entity version of above
void crv::getTransformationMatrix (apf::Mesh *m, apf::MeshEntity *e, mth::Matrix< double > &A, const apf::Vector3 *range)
 compute the matrix to transform between Bezier and Lagrange Points More...

Detailed Description

main file for support of bezier shape functions

Definition in file crvBezier.h.