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#include "MA.h"
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int CMA_New (pCrvMesh &pcrv_mesh_obj, pMeshMdl pmesh_inst, int iSizeFldType, int iModelType)
 Create an object of class (struct) pCrvMesh. More...
int CMA_Del (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 Delete an object of class (struct) pCrvMesh. More...
int CMA_SetModelType (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj, int iModelType)
 Set the type of geometric model. More...
int CMA_Curve (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 Curve a given linear(straight-sided) mesh to be a high-order(curved) mesh. More...
int CMA_Linearize (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 Make all mesh entities linear by removing edge nodes if there is any. More...
int CMA_Untangle (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 Fix the invalid curved elements of a given high-order(curved) mesh. More...
int CMA_SetQualityLimit (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj, double dThreshold)
 Set the user-defined shape quality threshold for mesh improvement operations. More...
int CMA_Optimize (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 The main routine to perform the shape quality improvement capability. More...
int CMA_Check (pCrvMesh pcrv_mesh_obj)
 Validity checks specifically designed for curved meshes. More...
int CMA_DisplayStats (pCrvMesh pCrvMeshObj)
 Display the quality statistics of the mesh. More...
int CMA_GlobPtn (pCrvMesh pcrv_mesh_obj)
 Global partition for curved meshes with edge nodes. More...

Function Documentation

int CMA_Check ( pCrvMesh  pcrv_mesh_obj)

Validity checks specifically designed for curved meshes.

pcrv_mesh_obj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_Curve ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj)

Curve a given linear(straight-sided) mesh to be a high-order(curved) mesh.

This function does the mesh curving. The mesh need to be classified on a geometric model with appropriate parametric coordinates. Validity is not checked in this routine.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_Del ( pCrvMesh  pcrv_mesh_obj)

Delete an object of class (struct) pCrvMesh.

This function deletes a curved mesh object and de-allocates the memory.

pcrv_mesh_obj(In) Curved Mesh Object.
int CMA_DisplayStats ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj)

Display the quality statistics of the mesh.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_GlobPtn ( pCrvMesh  pcrv_mesh_obj)

Global partition for curved meshes with edge nodes.

pcrv_mesh_obj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_Linearize ( pCrvMesh  pcrv_mesh_obj)

Make all mesh entities linear by removing edge nodes if there is any.

pcrv_mesh_obj(In) Curved Mesh Object

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_New ( pCrvMesh pcrv_mesh_obj,
pMeshMdl  pmesh_inst,
int  iSizeFldType,
int  iModelType 

Create an object of class (struct) pCrvMesh.

C APIs for curved mesh adaptationGiven a mesh, the function creates a curved mesh object with the default configuration.

pcrv_mesh_obj(In/Out) Curved Mesh Object.
pmesh_inst(In) Input mesh.
iSizeFldType(In) Input size-field type
iModelType(In) Input model type
int CMA_Optimize ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj)

The main routine to perform the shape quality improvement capability.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_SetModelType ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj,
int  iModelType 

Set the type of geometric model.

This function tells the curving code what type of geometric model information is available. Currently supports: 0– no model, 1– mesh model with no parametric coordinates, and 2– CAD model with parametric coordinates.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.
iModelType(In) Flag of Model type info.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_SetQualityLimit ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj,
double  dThreshold 

Set the user-defined shape quality threshold for mesh improvement operations.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.
dThreshold(In) Input Shape Threshold.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CMA_Untangle ( pCrvMesh  pCrvMeshObj)

Fix the invalid curved elements of a given high-order(curved) mesh.

This function does topological and geometric modifications to the cavity defined by the invalid element, and yields an all valid output mesh.

pCrvMeshObj(In) Curved Mesh Object.

Here is the call graph for this function: