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CrvEdge Class Referenceabstract

base class for curved edge curve edge provides basic evaluation based on barycentric coordinate system. It also supports specialized coordinate systems at the solver level such as the 'Standard Cartesian' and 'Tensor/Collapsed Cartesian' coord sys used in Nektar++ More...

#include <CrvEdge.h>

Inheritance diagram for CrvEdge:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CrvEdge:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 CrvEdge (pMeshEdge pin_edge)
 CrvEdge (VtxPtrVec in_vert_vec)
virtual ~CrvEdge ()
int display (std::ostream &file, int in_sample_pts)
 Function to display the curve edge by sampling edge points.
virtual int v_ent_type () const
 returns entity type representing an edge
void eval_deriv1_fd (const Point1d in_param, Point3d &dxyz_dxi, double step=1.0e-3)
 Evaluate first derivative numerically by finite difference. More...
double arc_length_between (double a, double b)
 Evaluate arc length between parameter range [a, b]. More...
double arc_length ()
 Evaluate total arc length. More...
void get_interp_point_xyz (int index, Point3d &out, int mode=0)
 Evaluate interpolation point position by B-C points in the physical space.
double interp_error ()
 Evaluate geometric interpolation error.
void get_edge_ctrl_pt (int index, Point3d &out_pt)
 Get the i'th control point of the curved edge.
int get_edge_node_coords (int in_node_index, double *xyz)
 Get high order nodal coordinates associated with the curved edge.
virtual int v_data_size () const =0
 Get the size of the data attached to the edge entity.
virtual std::string v_tag_name () const =0
 Get the tag name of the attached data.
double dxi_deta (double eta)
 derivative of with respect to
int get_vertex_coords (double *vxyz0, double *vxyz1)
 get coordinates of the end vertices
int get_orient ()
 edge orientation with respect to the input ordered vertices 0 – in the same direction 1 – opposite direction
int get_geom_order ()
 return the polynomial order of the geometric shape functions
int LinearMidPt (double *dout_coords)
 get the mid-point coordinates w.r.t a straight edge
int GetNumNode ()
 get the total number of high-order nodes
int DelNode (int n)
 delete the n'th edge node
pumi::pNode GetNode (int n)
 get the n'th edge node
void get_mid_edge_ctrl_pt (double *out_xyz)
 get the mid-edge Bezier control point More...
void eval_on_mesh_geom (double in_t, Point3d &out_xyz)
 evaluate based on mesh geometry More...
int update_or_create_node (double *xyz, double *param)
 update or create an edge node based on input coords/params
void save_ctrl_pt_data ()
 save edge ctrl points data to mesh database
- Public Member Functions inherited from CrvEnt
 CrvEnt (pMeshEnt in_mesh_ent)
 ctor More...
 CrvEnt (VtxPtrVec in_vert_vec)
 ctor More...
virtual ~CrvEnt ()
void get_xi_by_eta (Point3d in_eta, Point3d &out_xi)
 evaluate barycentric coordinates given the standard coordinates More...
void get_eta_by_ceta (Point3d in_ceta, Point3d &out_eta)
 evaluate standard coordinates given the collapsed/tensor coordinates More...
void get_xi_by_ceta (Point3d in_ceta, Point3d &out_xi)
 evaluate barycentric coordinates given the collapsed/tensor coordinates More...
void eval_by_xi (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 evaluate xyz by barycentric coordinates More...
void eval_by_eta (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 evaluate xyz by standard cartesian coordinates More...
void eval_by_coll_eta (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 evaluate xyz by collapsed/tensor coordinates More...
void diff_by_xi (Point3d in, Mat3x3 &out)
 evaluate dxyz/dxi, return all derivs in a matrix form More...
void diff_by_xi (Point3d in, int j, Point3d &out)
 evaluate dxyz/dxi_j, return derivs in one direction More...
void diff_by_eta (Point3d in, Mat3x3 &out)
 evaluate derivatives w.r.t. standard cartesian coordinates More...
void diff_by_eta (Point3d in, int j, Point3d &out)
 evaluate derivatives w.r.t. standard cartesian coordinates in one direction More...
void set_id (int i)
 sets entity id
int get_id ()
 gets entity id
int get_exp_dim ()
 return dimension in xi or eta
int get_coord_dim ()
 return coordinate dimension in xyz
pMeshEnt get_vertex (int i)
 return the ith bounding vertex of the mesh entity More...
int ent_type ()
 return the topological entity type. 0 – vertex, 1 – edge, 2 – face, 3 – region
int data_size ()
 return the number of doubles associated with the current mesh entity
std::string tag_name ()
 return the name string of the data
int save_nodal_data_to_mesh (double *in_data)
 save the data to the underlying mesh database
int load_nodal_data_from_mesh (double **out_data)
 fetch data from mesh database
bool has_data ()
 return whether the entity has high-order shape data
bool edge_on_model_bdry (pMeshEnt vtx0, pMeshEnt vtx1)
 return whether the mesh edge is classified on model edge or face
bool face_on_model_bdry (pMeshEnt vtx0, pMeshEnt vtx1, pMeshEnt vtx2)
 return whether the mesh face is classified on model face

Protected Member Functions

virtual void v_eval_by_xi (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 common implementation for all crv edge classes
virtual void v_eval_by_eta (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 common implementation for all crv edges w.r.t. standard cartesian coords
virtual void v_eval_by_coll_eta (Point3d in, Point3d &out)
 common implementation for all crv edges w.r.t. standard cartesian coords
virtual void v_diff_by_xi (Point3d in, Mat3x3 &out)
 derivatives w.r.t. barycentric coords
virtual void v_diff_by_xi (Point3d in, int j, Point3d &out)
 derivatives w.r.t. barycentric coords in given direction
virtual void v_diff_by_eta (Point3d in, Mat3x3 &out)
 derivatives w.r.t. standard cartesian coords
virtual void v_diff_by_eta (Point3d in, int j, Point3d &out)
 common impl. w.r.t. standard cartesian coords in given direction
virtual int v_get_exp_dim ()
 expansion dim for edge is set to be 1
pCurveGeom get_geom_shape ()
 return the geom curve object
void set_geom_shape (pCurveGeom &in_geom)
 set the geom curve object
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CrvEnt
virtual int v_get_coord_dim ()
 all curved entities are assumed to be embeded in 3D space
pMeshEnt get_mesh_ent ()
 get the mesh entity
void set_mesh_ent (pMeshEnt in_ent)
 set the mesh entity

Protected Attributes

pCurveGeom m_geom_shape
 geom shape pointer
int m_orient
- Protected Attributes inherited from CrvEnt
VtxPtrVec m_vert_vec
 ordered set of mesh vertices
pMeshEnt m_mesh_ent
 topological mesh entity
std::vector< Point3d > m_ctrl_pt_vec
 container used to store the control point values

Private Member Functions

void get_interp_point_bisect (int index, Point3d &out)
 Evaluate interpolation point position by Babuska-Chen nodal set through recursive bisection.
void get_interp_point_newton_iter (int index, Point3d &out)
 Evaluate interpolation point position by Babuska-Chen nodal set through Newton root finding method.

Detailed Description

base class for curved edge curve edge provides basic evaluation based on barycentric coordinate system. It also supports specialized coordinate systems at the solver level such as the 'Standard Cartesian' and 'Tensor/Collapsed Cartesian' coord sys used in Nektar++

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CrvEdge::CrvEdge ( pMeshEdge  pin_edge)

ctor 1 – create curved edge object based on input mesh edge. The direction of the curved edge is set according to the direction of the native mesh edge

Here is the call graph for this function:

CrvEdge::CrvEdge ( VtxPtrVec  in_vert_vec)

ctor 2 – create curved edge object based on the bounding vertices of the native mesh edge

Here is the call graph for this function:

CrvEdge::~CrvEdge ( )


Member Function Documentation

double CrvEdge::arc_length ( )

Evaluate total arc length.

\[ S = \int_{0}^{1} \left| r'(t) \right| dt \]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double CrvEdge::arc_length_between ( double  a,
double  b 

Evaluate arc length between parameter range [a, b].

astarting parametric value
bending parametric value

\[ S = \int_{a}^{b} \left| r'(t) \right| dt \]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CrvEdge::eval_deriv1_fd ( const Point1d  in_param,
Point3d &  dxyz_dxi,
double  step = 1.0e-3 

Evaluate first derivative numerically by finite difference.

$ \frac{f(\xi + \delta) - f(\xi)}{\delta} $

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CrvEdge::eval_on_mesh_geom ( double  in_t,
Point3d &  out 

evaluate based on mesh geometry

makes use of the underlying mesh geometry and the second order Bezier curve form to evaluate parameter mapping. Note that in the input parameter goes from 0.0 to 1.0, the same as Bezier curve, the opposite as CrvEdge::eval functions

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CrvEdge::get_mid_edge_ctrl_pt ( double *  bxyz)

get the mid-edge Bezier control point

The output mid-edge control point is calculated only based on whether the edge one has pre-existing mid-edge interpolation node. If it has one, the interpolation node gets converted to a bezier control point. If it has none, the edge is treated as straight, and the bezier control point is the linear mid-edge point.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

int CrvEdge::m_orient

indicate edge orientation w.r.t. its two end vertices if E_vertex(edge, 0) == vert_vec[0]; then m_orient = 0; else m_orient = 1;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: