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curveUtil Namespace Reference


int factorial (int num)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomRegn (pRegion pTheRgn)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomFace (pRegion pTheRgn)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomEdge (pRegion pTheRgn)
int R_numFacesOnGeomRegn (pRegion pTheRgn)
int R_numFacesOnGeomFace (pRegion pTheRgn)
void M_checkSurfaceMeshByAngle (pMesh mesh, double flatAngle, std::vector< pFace > &vec_facesLargeAngle)
void F_bezierSplit (pFace face, pEdge edge, double *ptxyz)
void computePtForOppEdge (pEdge oppEdge, pFace *faces, double *xyz)
pVertex F_opEdgeVert (pFace face, pEdge edge)
void writeRgnDataForMaple (pRegion region, char *name)
pPoint extractPt (pMesh msh, pFace mf, pEdge edge, double u, double v)
void F_bezierXYZ (pFace face, double(*fxyz)[3])
void F_bezierEval (double(*fxyz)[3], double u, double v, double *ptxyz)
void writeOutCorner (pRegion region, pVertex vertex, char *name)
int R_worstShape (pPList *erlist, double &worstShape, double &worstInvalidShape, pPList *invalidRList)
void M_checkCurvedRegionShape (pMesh pThePart_, char *fname)
void writeOutCurvedRegion (pRegion region, int closure, char *cname)
void writeOutCurvedRList (pPList *rlist, int closure, char *cname)
void unifyTaggedEntitiesWithValuesDbl (pMeshMdl FmdbMesh, pTag FmdbTag, std::list< mEntity * > *LIST)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomRegn (pMeshRgn pTheRgn)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomFace (pMeshRgn pTheRgn)
int R_numEdgesOnGeomEdge (pMeshRgn pTheRgn)
int R_numFacesOnGeomRegn (pMeshRgn pTheRgn)
int R_numFacesOnGeomFace (pMeshRgn pTheRgn)
void M_checkSurfaceMeshByAngle (pPart pmesh, double angle, std::vector< pMeshFace > &vec_facesLargeAngle)
void F_bezierSplit (pMeshFace face, pMeshEdge edge, double *ptxyz)
pMeshVtx F_opEdgeVert (pMeshFace face, pMeshEdge edge)
void computePtForOppEdge (pMeshEdge oppEdge, pMeshFace *faces, double *xyz)
void writeRgnDataForMaple (pMeshRgn, char *)
int HO_XYZ_isValid (double(*)[3], crShpInfo *, pMeshRgn region=NULL)
int CR_isValid (pMeshRgn, crShpInfo *)
int XYZ_JacRatio (double(*)[3], double &shape)
pumi::pNode extractPt (pPart msh, pMeshFace mf, pMeshEdge edge, double u, double v)
void F_bezierXYZ (pMeshFace face, double(*fxyz)[3])
void writeOutCorner (pMeshRgn region, pMeshVtx vertex, char *name)
void M_checkCurvedRegionShape (pPart, char *)
void writeOutCurvedRegion (pMeshEnt, int, char *)
void writeOutCurvedRList (pumi::pPList *, int, char *)
int R_worstShape (pumi::pPList *, double &, double &, pumi::pPList *)
int HO_XYZ_isValid (double(*xyz)[3], crShpInfo *csi, pRegion region)
int CR_isValid (pRegion region, crShpInfo *csi)

Function Documentation

void curveUtil::computePtForOppEdge ( pMeshEdge  oppEdge,
pMeshFace faces,
double *  xyz 
void curveUtil::computePtForOppEdge ( pEdge  oppEdge,
pFace *  faces,
double *  xyz 

Here is the call graph for this function:

int curveUtil::CR_isValid ( pRegion  region,
crShpInfo csi 

Here is the call graph for this function:

int curveUtil::CR_isValid ( pMeshRgn  ,

Here is the caller graph for this function:

pumi::pNode curveUtil::extractPt ( pPart  msh,
pMeshFace  mf,
pMeshEdge  edge,
double  u,
double  v 
pPoint curveUtil::extractPt ( pMesh  msh,
pFace  mf,
pEdge  edge,
double  u,
double  v 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void curveUtil::F_bezierEval ( double(*)  fxyz[3],
double  u,
double  v,
double *  ptxyz 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void curveUtil::F_bezierSplit ( pMeshFace  face,
pMeshEdge  edge,
double *  ptxyz 
void curveUtil::F_bezierSplit ( pFace  face,
pEdge  edge,
double *  ptxyz 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void curveUtil::F_bezierXYZ ( pMeshFace  face,
double(*)  fxyz[3] 
void curveUtil::F_bezierXYZ ( pFace  face,
double(*)  fxyz[3] 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

pMeshVtx curveUtil::F_opEdgeVert ( pMeshFace  face,
pMeshEdge  edge 
pVertex curveUtil::F_opEdgeVert ( pFace  face,
pEdge  edge 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::factorial ( int  num)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::HO_XYZ_isValid ( double(*)  xyz[3],
crShpInfo csi,
pRegion  region 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::HO_XYZ_isValid ( double(*)  [3],
crShpInfo ,
pMeshRgn  region = NULL 
void curveUtil::M_checkCurvedRegionShape ( pPart  ,
char *   
void curveUtil::M_checkCurvedRegionShape ( pMesh  pThePart_,
char *  fname 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void curveUtil::M_checkSurfaceMeshByAngle ( pPart  pmesh,
double  angle,
std::vector< pMeshFace > &  vec_facesLargeAngle 
void curveUtil::M_checkSurfaceMeshByAngle ( pMesh  mesh,
double  flatAngle,
std::vector< pFace > &  vec_facesLargeAngle 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomEdge ( pMeshRgn  pTheRgn)
int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomEdge ( pRegion  pTheRgn)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomFace ( pMeshRgn  pTheRgn)
int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomFace ( pRegion  pTheRgn)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomRegn ( pMeshRgn  pTheRgn)
int curveUtil::R_numEdgesOnGeomRegn ( pRegion  pTheRgn)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_numFacesOnGeomFace ( pMeshRgn  pTheRgn)
int curveUtil::R_numFacesOnGeomFace ( pRegion  pTheRgn)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_numFacesOnGeomRegn ( pMeshRgn  pTheRgn)
int curveUtil::R_numFacesOnGeomRegn ( pRegion  pTheRgn)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::R_worstShape ( pumi::pPList *  ,
double &  ,
double &  ,
pumi::pPList *   
int curveUtil::R_worstShape ( pPList *  erlist,
double &  worstShape,
double &  worstInvalidShape,
pPList *  invalidRList 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void curveUtil::unifyTaggedEntitiesWithValuesDbl ( pMeshMdl  FmdbMesh,
pTag  FmdbTag,
std::list< mEntity * > *  LIST 

copied unifyTaggedEntitiesWithValuesDbl() from fmdb/old-parallel will modify the code to test with new FMDB tags

void curveUtil::writeOutCorner ( pMeshRgn  region,
pMeshVtx  vertex,
char *  name 
void curveUtil::writeOutCorner ( pRegion  region,
pVertex  vertex,
char *  name 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void curveUtil::writeOutCurvedRegion ( pMeshEnt  ,
int  ,
char *   
void curveUtil::writeOutCurvedRegion ( pRegion  region,
int  closure,
char *  cname 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void curveUtil::writeOutCurvedRList ( pumi::pPList *  ,
int  ,
char *   
void curveUtil::writeOutCurvedRList ( pPList *  rlist,
int  closure,
char *  cname 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void curveUtil::writeRgnDataForMaple ( pMeshRgn  ,
char *   
void curveUtil::writeRgnDataForMaple ( pRegion  region,
char *  name 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int curveUtil::XYZ_JacRatio ( double(*)  xyz[3],
double &  shape 

compute the shape measure of Jacobian Ratio input data is Bezier control point coordinates of a 10-node quadratic tet

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: