Jean-François Remacle


This page is the "official" web site of DG, the Discontinuous Galerkin Code Developped at Discontinuous Galerkin Method . The most important features of DG are :

The main contributors of this project (the code I mean)

DG is not (yet) available as an Open Source. Yet, we provide here the executable under windows (cygwin). This executable requires cygwin1.dll for running. Put both DG-O.exe and cygwin1.dll in the same directory. We will have soon a complete documentation about DG. The usage of DG is, in serial,

DG-O.exe inputfile

We provide here several examples of inputfiles with corresponding meshes. The input files contain comments and explanations on the different parameters.

Backward Facing Step : very classical problem: a step is impulsively inserted into a Mach=3 flow, going from left to right. Find here the input file and here the initial quad mesh and the GMSH model. Note that the gmsh model is only useful if user wants to change the initial mesh. GMSH is available here.

Cannon Blasts : access to those examples are password protected.